Dependable Workforce Staffing
Ready to get the job done
Cleaning is our passion
Translation of a document from English to French & from French to English
Say it just as it is said professionally and with clarity
Get affordable accommodation
Home Repairs
Professionals to do a satisfactory job
Auto Maintenance
Let professionals take care of your vehicle at affordable cost
Need a ride to work or appointments, hire our services for low cost
Auto Insurance
Let us negotiate low insurance costs for your vehicles
Notarization of Documents
Authenticate your important documents
USCIS Applications & Forms Filing
Let us handle your applications and filing processes with the United States Immigration at a reasonable cost
Consultancy, Business Plan Setup
We have the expertise to help you make your vision a reality.
Consultation, Project Development & Management
Want to develop and manage your project? Our professional team is here to help you
Leadership & Managerial Training
We can tailor the right training for your leaders and managers to be successful
HR Management & Development Training
Help manage and develop a successful HR through ready-made and tailored programs